The Robins Kaplan Insurance Insight

The Robins Kaplan Insurance Insight newsletter delivers practical content to help you navigate the current challenges and latest developments in the insurance industry. This newsletter is curated by the women of the Robins Kaplan Insurance and Catastrophic Loss Group with the goal of celebrating women in the profession and exploring topics of general interest in the insurance field.

Vol. 3, No. 2

Winter 2020

In this edition of The Robins Kaplan Insurance Insight, we reflect on a variety of topics: COVID-19 coverage issues for event cancellation insurance for the Rams SoFi stadium; tips for preparing for remote depositions as part of “embracing the new normal”; and thoughts from Ritu Bhasin, an award-winning speaker, author, and expert in diversity and inclusion, regarding authentic leadership, especially in light of the whiplash many of us have experienced with the events of 2020.

We thank you for your readership and hope you have a meaningful and restorative end of the year with family. We look forward to a fresh start to 2021.

In this issue: 

Vol. 3, No. 1

Spring 2020

In this edition of The Robins Kaplan Insurance Insight, we highlight some of the emerging insurance law issues of 2020. In light of recent events we have included an article from our own Christina Lincoln regarding COVID-19’s effects on D&O Insurance, as well as links to other COVID-19 content from colleagues across our eight national offices.

We thank you for your readership and hope you all stay healthy and safe during this challenging time.

In this issue: