The Robins Kaplan Insurance Insight

The Robins Kaplan Insurance Insight newsletter delivers practical content to help you navigate the current challenges and latest developments in the insurance industry. This newsletter is curated by the women of the Robins Kaplan Insurance and Catastrophic Loss Group with the goal of celebrating women in the profession and exploring topics of general interest in the insurance field.

Vol. 1, No. 4

Winter 2017

In our winter edition of The Robins Kaplan Insurance Insight, we bring you articles on all things tech: from liability exposure in the age of driverless cars and home sharing arrangements, to managing privacy concerns posed by drones and potential coverage for computer hacking. We also discuss the latest initiatives designed to promote gender diversity in the workplace as well as welcome two new women to our team. Finally, we share information on upcoming events for women in the insurance industry.

Happy holidays from the Robins Kaplan Women of Insurance!

In This Issue

  • The Struggle is Real: Managing the Risks to Privacy Posed by Drones
  • Spoofed Emails Armed With Hidden Code: A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
  • Liability in the Age of Driverless Cars
  • Home Sharing – A Growing Market for Liability Insurers

Vol. 1, No. 3

Fall 2017

For our Summer installment of The Robins Kaplan Insurance Insight we bring you the latest on flood related insurance developments including insights on storm surge coverage, anti-concurrent causation language in a post-Sebo landscape and the insurance industry’s response to Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement. On the non-flood front we bring you information on building relationships with clients through coordinated corporate compliance programs, surety concerns for performance bond pitfalls, and recent concerns in computer fraud coverage.

We hope you enjoy this edition’s offerings and we welcome your feedback on topics and areas of interest for upcoming issues.

In This Issue

  • Hurricane Irma and Florida’s Enforcement of Anti-Concurrent Cause Clauses
  • An Angry Sea: The State of Storm Surge Coverage
  • California DOI Responds to the U.S. Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement
  • The Next Frontier in Customer Service: Helping Insureds Manage Their Risks by Building Corporate Compliance Programs
  • One Phish, Two Phish: Recent Developments in the World of Computer Fraud Coverage

Vol. 1, No. 2

Spring 2017

For our Spring installment of The Robins Kaplan Insurance Insight, we had the pleasure of sitting down with FM Global’s Maxine Walker to get her take on mentoring and supporting women in the insurance industry. Her teachings are echoed in this month’s article on the need for gender parity in corporate leadership. We also examine gender issues in our piece on non-binary thinking, its implications for employers, and the need for appropriate Employment Practices Liability Insurance coverage. This issue also reviews the latest court rulings on bad faith and flood coverage. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is now poised to consider whether the test for bad faith should include a separate “bad motive” requirement – a factor previously viewed as merely a discretionary consideration for courts. In our final article, we examine how catastrophic flood events worldwide have become increasingly common and why it’s more important than ever to keep an eye on Superstorm Sandy case developments.

We hope you enjoy this edition’s offerings and we welcome your feedback on topics and areas of interest for upcoming issues.

In This Issue

  • Follow the Leader
  • Gender Parity in Corporate Leadership: A Work in Progress
  • Binary Thinking During the Gender Revolution? You Might Need Employment Practices Liability Insurance
  • The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Considers Whether to Add a “Bad Motive” Element to Its Bad Faith Standard
  • Superstorm Sandy’s “Water Borne Material”: Renegade Boats and Displaced Houses—Oh My!
  • Robins Kaplan and FM Global Present on Superstorm Sandy at the 2017 PLRB Claims Conference in Boston

Vol. 1, No. 1

Inaugural Edition 2017

Welcome to our newest publication, The Robins Kaplan Insurance Insight. Our goal is to deliver practical content to help you navigate the current challenges and latest developments in the insurance industry. This newsletter is curated by the women of Robins Kaplan with the goal of celebrating women in the profession and exploring topics of general interest in the insurance field. Whether you are in-house counsel, a broker, a claims adjuster, or anyone else in the industry, we hope that you find our newsletter interesting and informative. Thank you and enjoy!

In This Issue

  • Drones: The FAA's Efforts for Timely Integration into Society
  • Insurance Class Actions: Avoiding Pitfalls and Mitigating Risks
  • Phishing Scam is Not Covered Computer Fraud Under Commercial Crime Policy
  • Book Review - All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation