Woodbury Dental Arts Investigation

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Robins Kaplan LLP is Investigating Reported Closure of Minnesota Dental Practice

Robins Kaplan LLP attorneys are investigating instances of patients who have been denied care after paying in advance for dental work, including dental implants, at Woodbury Dental Arts in Minnesota. According to multiple news reports, the dental office shut down with little warning and allegedly left many clients without a plan to finish treatment or receive their dental implants, despite paying up front.

Contact Robins Kaplan for an Evaluation of Your Potential Case

If you, or a loved one, were a patient at Woodbury Dental Arts and believe you are owed compensation for promised dental treatment services, you may have the right to file a claim. At Robins Kaplan we believe you deserve answers, and the right to know what steps you can take to seek compensation for the harm you have experienced.

To discuss your potential case with our team, please call 1.800.553.9910 or complete our online contact form above.

Dental Implants: What You Need to Know

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry1, which is a professional organization focused on implant dentistry, more than 3 million dental implants were administered in the U.S. in 2019 and over 150 million people are missing one tooth or more.

About Our Mass Tort Attorneys

Robins Kaplan’s mass tort attorneys aren’t afraid to go to the mat for our clients. We have a proven track record of taking on the giants in numerous industries. Our clients do not walk alone. We guide clients through the ins and outs of their case and help them understand the legal landscape every step of the way.

Contact us for a free and confidential evaluation today. To get started, call 1.800.553.9910 or complete our online contact form above.


Woodbury Dental Arts Investigation

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