When you or a loved one have personal, private medical concerns to discuss, talking to a medical professional who understands what you’ve been through can be invaluable. Our medical professionals have first-hand knowledge and understanding of medicine and the health care system. Their collective experience includes emergency room, intensive care, obstetrics and newborn care, anesthesia and recovery room care, orthopedics, cardiology, and cancer care. They offer support to injured individuals in claims involving medical malpractice and medical products or drugs.
At Robins Kaplan LLP, we recognize the value of having medical professionals on staff. From the get-go, every claim involving a medical issue has a dedicated, in-house medical professional as part of the team. In fact, the first person you speak to will be one of our medical professionals.
Each of our medical professionals brings a wealth of individual, hands-on practical experience to support our clients, and they attend numerous medical education seminars each year and maintain current professional licensure. They collectively belong to a number of professional organizations including the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Great Plains Perinatal Association, Association of Women's Health, Obstetrical and Neonatal Nurses, and American Physical Therapy Association.
- Senior Medical Analyst
- Medical Analyst
- Medical Analyst
- Senior Medical Analyst
- Medical Analyst