Civil rights violations at the hands of police can be terrifying. We trust law enforcement to serve and protect, but what happens when that trust is broken? If your civil rights have been violated, you need the best civil rights lawyers fighting for you.
The attorneys at Robins Kaplan have a long history of achieving favorable results for victims and their families. Our civil rights team has changed the legal landscape by obtaining record setting settlements for civil rights violations. We have the resources in place to fight, and succeed, at protecting your civil rights.
False Arrest
Police officers must have a warrant or at the very minimum, probable cause for arrest. The probable cause must include the belief that the individual in question has committed a crime. False arrest occurs when procedures such as probable cause are not followed properly.
False Imprisonment
Any time an individual is unlawfully confined by police, it is considered false imprisonment. This can occur in the back of a police car, in a jail cell, or even in an individuals’ own home. If you have been unlawfully and falsely imprisoned, you have the right to counsel.
Malicious Prosecution
When an officer wrongly deprives an individual of their 14th Amendment right to liberty, it is considered malicious prosecution. In this type of situation, the officer has no probable cause to go after the victim, but continues criminal proceedings anyway.
Excessive/Unreasonable Force
Officers are legally allowed to use a reasonable amount of force in certain situations involving criminals, or suspected criminals. There is a fine line, however, between reasonable force and excessive force. In all situations, the absolute minimum amount of force should be used to subdue a suspect.
Failure to Intervene
Police officers are responsible for protecting citizens from constitutional violations. If an officer witnesses another officer violating a citizen’s civil rights and does nothing to stop it, that officer can be held for failing to intervene.
You Have Rights
The lawyers at Robins Kaplan have extensive experience successfully representing clients in a variety of claims including arrests, unlawful seizures, and use of excessive or deadly force. If you want the best representation for your civil rights violation, contact our attorneys today.
Our attorneys are resourceful, tough, and committed to our clients’ interests, and we have the experience to carry your case from start to finish. Contact us for a free case evaluation, please complete our free case evaluation form above.
Our attorneys handle matters primarily in Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.