Every day thousands of people use a chiropractor to treat neck pain or other conditions. They may not know that some chiropractic adjustments can cause serious injuries and increase the risk of stroke. If you or someone you know had a stroke or suffered another serious injury after a chiropractic treatment, you may have chiropractic malpractice claim.
How Do Chiropractic Treatments Cause a Stroke?
Some chiropractors use cervical manipulation techniques that can injure the artery that provides blood to the brain. The wrong kind of neck manipulation can stretch or tear the artery. Sometimes, that tear causes a stroke immediately. Other times, a blood clot forms and gets dislodged in a later adjustment that then causes the stroke.
Learn more about how chiropractic manipulation can cause a stroke
Did a Chiropractic Mistake Cause Your Stroke or Other Injury?
The wrong kind of chiropractic manipulation can cause a stroke or other life-threatening injuries. Still, many chiropractors choose to ignore the medical research connecting chiropractic adjustment and manipulations with the risk of stroke. Every chiropractor must follow certain standards when treating their patients. If they don’t follow those standards and a serious injury or death occurs, it might be a case of chiropractic negligence or malpractice. Other ways a chiropractor may be negligent include failure to:
- Conduct an appropriate pre-chiropractic manipulation evaluation
- Conduct an appropriate history and physical examination
- Order diagnostic imaging prior to a manipulation
- Refer a patient to a medical doctor
- Inform a patient about the current risks associated with treatment
- Give a patient current and complete information about treatment alternatives
- Give a patient the opportunity to have an informed discussion about the treatment options with health care providers
Why Hire Us?
At Robins Kaplan LLP, our lawyers and medical analysts have years of experience sifting through medical records to uncover the truth. We know how to find out the cause of injuries and whether the actions of the chiropractor played a part in causing a stroke or other preventable injury. Year after year, we have been recognized for recovering the largest settlements for people who have suffered from medical malpractice. Chris Messerly and Peter Schmit have been consistently named “Super Lawyers” and “Best Lawyers in America.”
If you have suffered an injury at a chiropractor’s office, we may be able to help. To contact a medical malpractice lawyer for a free case evaluation, please complete our free case evaluation form above. You will be able to speak to a medical analyst who understands the kinds of chiropractic treatments that can result in serious injury.
Our attorneys handle matters primarily in Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.