Perception vs. Reality in Trust and Estate Matters:

Are They Really Lying, Cheating and Stealing?

October 9, 2024

The Reserve at Wells Fargo Center
90 South Seventh Street
Seventh Floor
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Anne M. Lockner


Pronouns: she/her

Denise S. Rahne


Co-Chair, Wealth Planning, Administration, and Fiduciary Disputes Group

On October 9 from 1:00 – 1:30 p.m. CT, Anne Lockner and Denise Rahne will present at Anthony Ostlund Louwagie Dressen & Boylan P.A.’s 2024 Lying, Cheating and Stealing Seminar on the session titled, “Perception vs. Reality in Trust and Estate Matters: Are They Really Lying, Cheating and Stealing?”

They will discuss challenges with and strategies for representing clients in contested trust and estate matters where perceptions and reality do not always align. Topics include: doing due diligence on what a potential client tells you before taking on the representation; managing client expectations and perceptions when grievances do not always rise to legal wrongs; and actions by fiduciaries that create the risk of being seen as lying, cheating, and stealing.

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