AUTM Central Region Meeting

July 18, 2023

Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza
4445 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64111

On Tuesday, July 18, Sherry Roberg-Perez presented at the AUTM Central Region Meeting on a session titled, “How to Talk with Your Administration on Prudent Management of University IP.”

Unlocking value and generating revenue from patented technology has taken a mainstream position in technology transfer and commercialization. Some corporations are using university issued patents in products on the market – sometimes intentionally. The commercialization obligation under Bayh-Dole requires that income from subject IP be shared with inventors and, very importantly, cycled back into more research to produce more technologies for the public good.

This session answered important questions including:

  • How does a university go about discovering the hidden or less obvious assets which could be licensed?
  • How does the research institution or its spinoff companies balance strategic interests in deciding what actions to or not to take?
  • How do any of the relevant stakeholders’ fund or finance these activities that can cost in the tens of millions of dollars?

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