Price Gouging During Emergencies

May 19, 2020


Geoffrey H. Kozen


Chair of Firm's Pro Bono Committee

Start time: 12:00 p.m. CT

Duration: One hour

On May 19, 2020, Geoffrey Kozen will present the webinar “Price Gouging During Emergencies” with the Hennepin County Bar Association. This CLE webinar will discuss the structure and effectiveness of state emergency price-gouging laws. The presentation will cover examples of the major types of price-gouging laws, how private suits and suits brought by enforcers differ, issues that may arise when attempting to model damages and prove causation, and the appropriateness of such claims for class treatment. Finally, it will look at weaknesses that this pandemic has revealed in the efficacy of such statutes, alternative litigation under consumer protection statutes, and ways they could be shored up in the future.

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