Paige L. Didora, BSN, RN, PHN


Minneapolis Senior Medical Analyst Paige Didora

Paige L. Didora, BSN, RN, PHN

Senior Medical Analyst

Minneapolis Senior Medical Analyst Paige Didora


My background is in pediatric critical care and I am very pleased to bring this experience to the law firm. I began my nursing career at the University of Minnesota Children’s Hospital, where I practiced high-acuity care of children and their families, from neonates to teenagers. From there I transitioned to home-based palliative care and hospice at Children’s Hospital where I visited children in their homes.

I enjoy developing relationships with the individuals that I serve and helping them work through the challenging situations they face. This work allows me to deliver the same level of care I previously provided at the bedside to those that have suffered negligence. The most rewarding part of my role is advocating for others.

November 16, 2023
2023 Trial Advocacy Seminar
Know Your Story. Tell Your Story.
Minneapolis, MN