Robins Kaplan LLP is pleased to announce that 71 attorneys across the firm’s offices have been named to the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in America. In addition, 17 attorneys were named “Ones to Watch.”
The Best Lawyers in America recognizes lawyers for their exceptional legal skills in specific practice areas, with honorees chosen through a meticulous peer-review process. Robins Kaplan attorneys named to the “Best Lawyers” and “Ones to Watch” lists include the following:
2025 Best Lawyers in America
Boston, MA
- Pamela Berman
Commercial Litigation
Employment Law - Management - Robert Callahan, Jr.
Commercial Litigation - William Erickson
Insurance Law - Anthony Froio
Commercial Litigation
Litigation - Intellectual Property - John Love
Insurance Law - David Marder
Commercial Litigation - Alan Miller
Insurance Law - Christopher Sullivan
Commercial Litigation
Los Angeles, CA
- Daniel Allender
Commercial Litigation - Amy Churan
Litigation - Insurance - Marcia Harris
Entertainment Law - Motion Pictures and Television - David Martinez
Commercial Litigation - James Menton, Jr.
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Commercial Litigation
Litigation - Bankruptcy - Roman Silberfeld
Bet-the-Company Litigation
Commercial Litigation
Entertainment Law - Motion Pictures and Television
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs
Minneapolis, MN
- Richard Allyn
Commercial Litigation
Litigation - Insurance - A. James Anderson
Litigation - Intellectual Property - Patrick Arenz
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent - Katie Bennett
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Robert Bennett
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Thomas Berndt
Commercial Litigation - Marc Betinsky
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Elizabeth Burnett
Commercial Litigation - Michael Collyard
Commercial Litigation
Litigation - Banking and Finance
Litigation – Bankruptcy
Litigation - Intellectual Property - Logan Drew
Litigation - Intellectual Property - Aaron Fahrenkrog
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent - Leo Feeney
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Mark Hallberg
Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Thomas Hamlin
Litigation - Intellectual Property - John Harting
Advertising Law
Litigation - Patent - Jake Holdreith
Advertising Law
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent - Peter Ihrig
Commercial Litigation - Brendan Johnson
Commercial Litigation
Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs
Native American Law - Scott Johnson
Insurance Law - Elliot Kaplan
Commercial Litigation
Corporate Law – Lawyer of the Year
Litigation - Intellectual Property - Jamie Kurtz
Litigation - Intellectual Property - Carrie Lambert
Litigation - Intellectual Property – Lawyer of the Year - Christopher Larus
Advertising Law
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent - Anne Lockner
Commercial Litigation
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Defendants - Eric Magnuson
Appellate Practice
Bet-the-Company Litigation
Commercial Litigation - Thomas Mahlum
Commercial Litigation
Litigation - Intellectual Property - William Manske
Litigation - Intellectual Property - Ryan Marth
Litigation - Antitrust - Teresa Fariss McClain
Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - David Mitchell
Real Estate Law - Cyrus Morton
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation – Patent – Lawyer of the Year - Andrew Noel
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Steven Orloff
Litigation - Trusts and Estates - Jason Pfeiffer
Product Liability Litigation - Defendants - Christopher Pinahs
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent - David Prange
Litigation - Intellectual Property - Tim Purdon
Native American Law - Denise Rahne
Commercial Litigation
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Trusts and Estates – Lawyer of the Year - Michael Reif
Commercial Litigation - Stephen Safranski
Commercial Litigation
Litigation – Antitrust
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Defendants - Peter Schmit
Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Anthony Schrank
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Steven Schumeister
Real Estate Law - Ronald Schutz
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation – Patent
Trademark Law - Philip Sieff
Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - William Stanhope
Insurance Law - Tara Sutton
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs - Lee Ann Thigpen
Litigation - Insurance - Randall Tietjen
Commercial Litigation
Litigation - Intellectual Property - Thomas Undlin
Litigation – Antitrust
Litigation - Intellectual Property - Brandon Vaughn
Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - K. Craig Wildfang
Antitrust Law
Litigation – Antitrust
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs - Matthew Woods
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent
New York, NY
- Rayna Kessler
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs - Bryan Vogel
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Silicon Valley, CA
- Steven Carlson
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent
Sioux Falls, SD
- Erica Ramsey
Commercial Litigation
Insurance Law
Litigation – Insurance
Product Liability Litigation – Defendants
2025 Ones to Watch
Boston, MA
- Matthew Cardosi
Insurance Law - Peter Foundas
Commercial Litigation
Project Finance Law - Taylore Karpa Schollard
Insurance Law - Manleen Singh
Commercial Litigation - Devon H.M. Villarreal
Commercial Litigation
Los Angeles, CA
- Tommy Du
Commercial Litigation
Minneapolis, MN
- Rashanda Bruce
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions – Plaintiffs
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Elizabeth Fors
Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Jessica Gutierrez
Intellectual Property Law
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent - Casey Matthiesen
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Emily Niles
Intellectual Property Law
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent - Raoul Shah
Medical Malpractice Law - Plaintiffs - Emily Tremblay
Intellectual Property Law
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent - Morgan Voight
Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs - Greta Wiessner
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs
New York, NY
- Derrick Carman
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent
Patent Law - Eric Lindenfeld
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs
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Related Services
- American Indian Law and Policy
- Antitrust and Trade Regulation
- Business Litigation
- Class Action Litigation
- Commercial/Project Finance and Real Estate
- Corporate Restructuring and Bankruptcy
- Entertainment and Media Litigation
- Insurance and Catastrophic Loss
- Intellectual Property and Technology Litigation
- Mass Tort Attorneys
- Medical Malpractice Attorneys
- Patent Litigation
- Personal Injury Attorneys
- Real Estate Litigation
- Trademark, Advertising, and Brand Litigation