Not all patents are created equal. Finding patent assets likely to drive substantial value in licensing efforts is difficult. Getting the answer right can unlock substantial value and allow innovators to optimize expected return on investment. But making a mistake can lead to a costly waste of valuable resources.
In the highly dynamic environment of patent licensing and monetization, patent holders, capital investors, and potential licensees alike increasingly look for data-driven quantitative guidance in evaluating the value of a patent portfolio. A complete analysis of patent value necessarily requires detailed qualitative review of specific patent assets. This detailed qualitative review, which generally involves a detailed review of patent claims, specification, and file history may not be economically practical when assessing large portfolios. In such instances, quantitative measures of patent value can provide important tools for screening portfolios to identify those patents worthy of detailed qualitative analysis.
Originally published in les Nouvelles - Journal of the Licensing Executives Society, Volume LVII No. 3, September 2022.
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