The SEC has opened a probe into the relationship between “the U.S. arm of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, and two trading firms with ties to Binance’s founder.” Those firms “act as market makers that trade cryptocurrencies” on the Binance exchange, and regulators have concerns over the nature of Binance’s disclosures to its customers about its links to those firms - WSJ
A handful of Senators stalled a planned vote on the White House’s slate of Federal Reserve governors that included current chair Jay Powell and current governor Lael Brainard (for the post of Vice Chair). Objections to nominees Lisa Cook and Sarah Bloom Raskin appear to have driven the move to delay the confirmation process - NYTimes and WSJ and MarketWatch and Law360
Word of some withdrawals of Russian troops from the Ukrainian border helped stocks rebound and pushed oil prices down on Tuesday after a rough start to the week - NYTimes and WSJ and Bloomberg and MarketWatch
Families of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting have reached an agreement to settle claims against gun maker Remington Arms Co. “that its marketing practices were in part responsible” for the massacre. The “now-bankrupt gun maker will pay $73 million to the nine families who lost loved ones” in the shooting at the elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut - WSJ and HuffPost
In the market for a new house and wondering why yours is never the winning bid? Well, consider that in the hottest U.S. markets, out-of-staters are routinely dropping up to 30% more than locals, “highlighting pressures in the country’s most competitive cities for housing” - Bloomberg and MarketWatch
Facebook will pay $90 million to resolve “long-running multidistrict litigation accusing the social media giant of unlawfully tracking logged-out users’ browsing activity.” The resolution puts an end to the 10-year dispute that was the subject of extensive motion and appellate practice – Law360
Your Daily Dose query of the day: if Carl Icahn, of all people, says the capitalist system is broken, do we mere mortals have anything resembling a fair shot? - WSJ
Another day, another production obstacle for the struggling U.S. planemaker Boeing, which now faces heightened FAA scrutiny of every 787 Dreamliner it makes - WSJ
The instant-classic 16 seconds of the Roy Kent/OTG mashup you didn’t know you needed. [Also, stay strong all you Xennials and older unsettled by Big Bird’s new voice] - SesameStreet
Stay safe, and get boosted,
The Robins Kaplan Financial Daily Dose features top stories and latest news headlines in financial markets, banking, securities and technology topics.